

探索奥腾海姆作为壁画家是如何挖掘古代和家族历史的, art galleries fellow, and anthropologist 

At the nexus of archaeology, art, 和家族史是谢尔比·奥滕海姆23年级学生的独特经历. 她的兴趣是多方面的,她的专业是人类进化的人类学, prehistory, 和物质文化(HEP)的轨迹——不久将在伯利兹的考古挖掘中达到高潮. 

奥滕海姆将于2023年春季与波莫纳学院人类学客座教授阿伦·蔡斯一起前往卡拉科尔遗址, Belize, 它是已知的最大的古玛雅城市,人口超过100,000 people in A.D. 650. 蔡斯的团队将考察一个居民区,比较不同社区的陶器碎片和遗骸. 

奥腾海姆说:“即使相隔一公里,他们也有不同的陶器风格和珠宝。. “我们将通过观察这些社区的不同矿物质和粘土来推测为什么会这样.” 


 “The way she teaches is like telling a story,” said Ottengheime. “它模仿了我们的祖先在学术环境下传承知识的方式.” 

Pushing “Me to Be a Better Student and Academic” 

Professor Sheryl Miller

当奥滕海姆因疫情决定2020年秋季学期停课时, Miller offered her a position as her research assistant. 奥腾海姆获得了宝贵的考古调查经验,并学会了如何辨析学术论点. Because of her stalwart encouragement, Miller has become one of Ottengheime’s favorite people at Pitzer. 

奥滕海姆说:“她督促我成为一个更好的学生和学者. “She has my back and tells me when to take a breather.” 

奥腾海姆被人类学的HEP所吸引,因为它综合了历史, art, humanities, and material culture. 

“I’m thinking about why we create things,” said Ottengheime. “这个专业是推荐十大正规网赌网站理解我们为什么要做东西,以及它反映了我们什么. The creation of art is a mirror for our society.” 

A Passion for Art 

As the daughter of artists, 奥滕海姆找到了几种方法来追求她对艺术的毕生热情. 她成为了Pitzer学院艺术画廊的研究员,以吸引学生, faculty, 在校园的艺术画廊开设跨学科的课程,并帮助他们 “看看艺术的跨学科方面,以及它对我们教育的重要性.”  

奥滕海姆还通过她在米德大厅的壁画“Meiko”在校园留下了家族遗产. 学生们可以提交在推荐十大正规网赌网站大学校园的任何地方绘制壁画的提案, 奥滕海姆决定创作一幅壁画,作为她在斯克里普斯学院艺术保护课上的最后一个项目.  

Drawing inspiration from the artist David Monkawa, 这幅壁画以奥滕海姆的祖母命名,暗指她在二战期间被关押在日本集中营期间和之后的坚持不懈. 

Shelby Ottengheime '23 stands in front of her mural on Mead Hall.

“I like the juxtaposition between the image of freedom, which is a bird, and the confining, dark imagery of barbed wire,” said Ottengheime. “I like the evolution of the bird slowly coming free.” 

Ottengheime’s grandmother, who will turn 100 this year, has often used the Japanese term “gaman,这句话大致可以翻译为带着尊严和毅力坚持下去. 

“If I was having a rough time in school, she said hold your head high and be proud of who you are,” said Ottengheime. “‘Gaman’ was what her mother told her in the camps.” 

In summer 2020, 奥滕海姆获得了盖蒂骨髓基金会的资助,在日裔美国国家博物馆(JANM)担任策展人和参观者互动实习生。, which her grandmother often took her to as a child. 奥滕海姆梳理了JANM收藏的二战集中营日裔美国人创作的艺术品,将这些艺术品与家人重新联系起来. 

奥滕海姆说:“这是一种回馈给我这么多的社区和机构的方式。. “直接回馈社区是我未来想做的事情.” 

在春季的考古挖掘之后,奥腾海姆希望能加入和平队. 除了2019年作为顺化大学(Hue University)推荐十大正规网赌网站(Pitzer College)的代表参加为期12天的全球本地导师项目(Global Local mentor Project),他曾在越南短暂待过一段时间外,奥滕海姆在国外的经验并不多, initiated by Pitzer’s Institute for Global Local Action & Study. 

“Covid took my study abroad, 所以我很想有机会住在其他地方,融入一个不属于我自己的社区和文化,” said Ottengheime. 

About Pitzer College

匹泽学院是一所全国排名第一的本科文理学院. A member of The Claremont Colleges, Pitzer通过将知识探究与跨学科研究联系起来,为文科教育提供了一种独特的方法, cultural immersion, social responsibility, and community involvement. For more information, please visit 74rl.jmswierski.com.

About Pitzer College Art Galleries

Pitzer学院艺术画廊的任务是通过Pitzer学院的核心价值观进行教育和宣传social responsibility, intercultural understanding, interdisciplinary learning, student engagement, and environmental sustainability. By following these precepts, Pitzer学院艺术画廊参与和询问当代和历史的重要问题,以扩大我们的观众的理解和贡献,我们的艺术, intellectual, and social culture. Through curatorial creativity and innovative programming, the Galleries seek to provide context, support, 为今天的艺术家和策展人提供了一个重要的框架, by doing so, inspire meaningful dialogue that fascinates, excites, and invigorates.

For more information, please visit 74rl.jmswierski.com/galleries or email pitzer_galleries@jmswierski.com.

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