注意: Official bylaws are part of the 教师 Handbook. They are provided here only as a reference and are subject to change.
The Public Art Policy, formerly known as the “Outdoor” Art Policy, as seen in the Student Handbook, approved by College Council on April 11, 1996, 呼叫s for the establishment of an ad hoc Campus Aesthetics Committee to oversee the implementation of the Public Art Policy. In the fall of 2003, it was established by College Council that this committee must be a standing committee, publicly meeting a minimum of twice a month.
a. One appointed 教师 (voting)
b. Five appointed students (voting)
c. Five 工作人员: one appointed 工作人员 Council member (voting) and one 工作人员 member from each of the following divisions/departments: Pitzer Archives (voting), Pitzer Art Galleries (voting), Residence Life (voting), 设施 & Campus Services (non-voting).
For this body to approve or remove pieces of art in any form, at least four of the voting committee members including at least one student member must be present to establish quorum. In the event that committee members are unable to attend a committee meeting when a vote is 呼叫ed, a recording of the proposal and all proposal materials will be made available to absent members. An electronic vote may then be conducted in order to allow participation by all presented. Quorum requirements remain the same in instances of electronic voting procedures. If a tie vote occurs, a motion is defeated.
A 教师 or 工作人员 member may serve as chair of the Committee.
11.2 This Committee is to oversee the implementation of the Outdoor Art Policy, as it is written in the Student Handbook.
a. Will receive for review and possible approval unsolicited proposals for paintings, 壁画, 雕塑, or installations from students, 教师, 工作人员, alumni and other persons or groups that are in any way affiliated with the campus.
b. 该委员会 will entertain proposals for one or more artworks submitted by artists outside of the Claremont Consortium each academic year. 该委员会 may plan campus-wide events which would include the creation and installation of this artwork. These works may be displayed for a short time and removed, or may become more durable features of the Pitzer landscape. 该委员会, in consultation with the artists and the Director/Curator of Pitzer Art Galleries, would indicate the expected duration of the installation based upon established guidelines.
c. The Committee will establish and publish procedures on Pitzer’s website on the Public Art Policy for receiving and reviewing unsolicited proposals for campus art and procedures for soliciting campus art, and will inform applicants of campus resources such as the Campus Life Committee, Art Collective, 研究 and Awards Committee, Student Senate, 等等, as appropriate.
d. The Committee will also establish procedures for determining the duration of the installation of Public art, with due regard to issues of Pitzer’s Permanent Collection works, 所有权, 维护, 和存储, and others which may arise.
e. The jurisdiction and responsibility of the Campus Aesthetics Committee will be for all artworks described in the Public Art Policy. This responsibility includes, but is not limited to, 存储, 维护, and documenting of these pieces.