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- (909) 607-2645
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Bernard Hall 201
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With Pitzer Since: 2004
Related Website: Intercollegiate Department of Asian American Studies
LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/pub/kathy-yep/4/b4a/a69
Cultural Politics
Feminist and critical pedagogies
Critical Public Health
Community-based learning
ASAM82: Racial Politics of Teaching
ASAM84: Nonviolent Social Change
ASAM85: Health Inequities
ASAM94: Community Health
ASAM115: Methodologies
Yep, K.S. (2018). Mash Potatoes, Lop Cheung, and Nuclear Testing: Placing the Culture of Health in the Context of the Culture of Historical Trauma. National Center for Bioethics in Research and Healthcare and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation.
Yep, K.S. (2017). Asian American Studies and Interrogating the Civic in Civic Engagement. In Handbook of Service-Learning for Social Justice, edited by Darren E. Lund, Wiley Press.
Yep, K.S. & Mitchell, T.D. (2017). Decolonizing community engagement: reimagining service-learning through an ethnic studies lens. In Cambridge Handbook for Service Learning and Community Engagement, edited by Dolgon, C., Eatman, T. & Mitchell, T.D., Cambridge University Press.
Yep, K. S., Zhao, T, Pang, S., Wang, C., & Wang, P.. (2014). The revised naturalization exam and Chinese immigrants in the United States: key issues for social workers. Journal of Ethnic and Cultural Diversity in Social Work, 23(4), 271- 288.
Yep, K. S. (2011). Why are you so mad?: mediating racial conflict in service-learning classrooms. In Democratic Dilemmas of Service-Learning: Curricular Strategies for Success, Cress, C. & Donahue, D. (eds.), 110 – 118. Sterling, VA: Stylus Publishing.
Yep, K.S. (2009). Outside the paint : the racial and gender politics of basketball in San Francisco’s chinatown , 1930- 1950 . Philadelphia: Temple University Press.
Yep, L. and Yep, K. S. (2008). Dragon’s child: the story of Angel Island. New York : Harper Collins.
Panelist: “Women’s Health at the Intersection of Context, Inclusion and Public Health Practice”, Public Health Ethics Forum, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) (2017)
Speaker: “Examining the Ethical Considerations and Other Consideration for a Culture of Health in the Deep South” Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and National Center for Bioethics (2017)
Professor Yep received a grant from the California Council for the Humanities for her digital social documentation project “Women, Faith, and Action,” co-directed with Rev. Deborah Lee, 2009- 2010.